• Applicable for UVS Manager 2.14.17+
  • Prepare a CentOS 7 environment, here I'm using CentOS 7.8.2003.
  • Prepare a Veeam environment, here I'm using Windows Server 2019 & Veeam Backup & Replication 10.

A. Create Immutable Buckets on RGW

Please go to the UVS menu "Object Storage".

1. Deploy the RGW Service

Create a RADOS Gateway, you could choose "Standalone" or "External Gateway".

After the deployment, you'll see the IP address & port of the RGW service.

2. Create an S3 compatible user account

And now go to the "User Management" on the same RGW page.

Create your first S3 user account.

3. Create the Immutable Bucket

The UVS doesn't support create a bucket directly, you have to use the S3 tools for the bucket creating.

I'm using CentOS 7 and the AWSCLI tool for bucket creating.

For the AWSCLI v2 installation, please check the tutorial on amazon.com.


3.1 Configure the AWSCLI v2

Please copy the access & secret keys from the UVS "User Management".

$ /usr/local/bin/aws --version
$ /usr/local/bin/aws configure

3.2 Create the Immutable Bucket

Please copy the endpoint from the UVS "Object Storage". Here I'm creating a bucket with the name "veeam-demo-bucket"

$ /usr/local/bin/aws s3api --no-verify-ssl --endpoint=https:// create-bucket  --bucket veeam-demo-bucket --acl private --obj

$ /usr/local/bin/aws s3api --no-verify-ssl --endpoint= get-object-lock-configuration --bucket veeam-demo-bucket --query 'ObjectLockConfiguration.ObjectLockEnabled'

B. Connect the Immutable Buckets on Veeam

1. Add a repository

Open the "Backup Infrastructure" view. In the inventory pane select the "Backup Repositories" node and click "Add Repository" on the ribbon.

In the Add Backup Repository dialog, select "Object Storage" > "S3 Compatible".

Type arbitrary string for the repository name.

Fill the endpoint & add a credential, you could get the info from the UVS.

Check the "Make recent backups immutable" is selected.