cephadm --image $img enter --name osd.$id

Sometime OSD daemon can not be up due to bluestore data error. 

Here we provide a process to repair the OSD bluestore and object data. 

In container environment pleae follow the steps from step 1. 

If the osd is running as a daemon, please go to step 4. 

1. ssh to the osd node. 

2. find the container image

ceph config dump |grep container_image
ceph config dump |grep container_image
global        basic     container_image                         * 


osd.$id is the osd ID. Please replace $id for your osd ID.

3. enter the container shell

cephadm --image $img shell --name osd.$id


cephadm --image $img enter --name osd.$id

4. Repair fsck & bluestore

sudo -u ceph ceph-bluestore-tool -i $id fsck
sudo -u ceph ceph-bluestore-tool -i $id repair

5. Repair objectstore

udo -u ceph ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id/ --op fsck
sudo -u ceph ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id/ --op repair

6. Reset and restart the daemon

systemctl reset-failed
systemctl restart ceph-osd@$i

7. check the osd daemon status

systemctl status ceph-osd@$i

If the OSD still can not boot up, you have to remove the OSD and recreat it.